Monday, September 3, 2007



Write one word for the following:

1. Nerve cells that transmits information from brain to effectors organs.
2. An electric signal passing through the neurons.
3. Fluid that protects the brain from mechanical shocks.
4. A lobe of cerebrum for auditory reception.
5. Part of the brain contains respiratory centre.
6. The structural and functional unit of nervous system.
7. The control centre of reflex actions?

Differentiate between the following

1. Dendrites and axon.
2. Sensory and motor neurons
3. Cerebrum and cerebellum
4. Spinal and Cranial nerves

Short answer questions

1. What is a synapse? How are messages carried across a synapse?
2. What is cranium? What is its function?
3. The human brain can be broadly divided into three regions. Name these three regions.
4. State one function each of cerebellum and pons.
5. Where is the medulla located in the brain? Write its functions.
6. Where does cerebro-spinal fluid present in our body? Mention any two of its function.
7. What is meant by receptors and effectors? Give two examples of each.
8. Name the types of nerves which constitute peripheral nervous system?
9. What is the difference between a reflex action and walking?
10. Which part of the brain maintains posture and equilibrium of the body?
11. How do we detect the smell of an agarbatti (incense stick)?
12. What is the role of brain in reflex action?
13. Which signals will get disrupted in case of a spinal cord injury?

14 How are involuntary actions and reflex actions different from each other?

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